In recent years, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu has become increasingly popular amongst women…and once you read about these benefits, you’ll understand why.
Self-defence is important as a fundamental way to protect yourself and your family. Many women consider self-defence as an important skill for their families. However, self-defence is just as important for women as it is for men and kids. Although the risk of physical confrontation is low in day-to-day life, anything can happen and it’s critical at that point to be prepared for the situation. BJJ offers a realistic form of self-defence for women in that it does not rely on strength alone. BJJ is a gentle art, focused on technique, utilising leverage to defeat the opponent. Learning fundamental jiu-jitsu techniques and applying them regularly in class will mean that they will have more of a chance to come as second nature if the situation arises.
Hormone Balance:
A women’s body is a delicate balance between the hormones; progesterone, testosterone and estrogen. Each of these hormones play a unique role in the health of the body and mind. When these hormones become imbalanced, a wide variety of health issues are faced, and this is actually more common in women than people realise. This may be because symptoms are different depending on the person and may be something as general as fatigue or mood swings, which can be easily blamed on other life factors. However, having a healthy hormone balance is one of the best things you can do for your body as a woman…and what is one of the best ways to ensure hormones are in check? Exercise. The types of exercise recommended are a combination of strength and cardio, which BJJ offers in a single class. Doing at least two classes a week will allow for a healthy hormone balance, while also keeping you fit and strong!
Stress release:
Whether we are talking about the stay-at-home mum, the full-time worker or university student, women these days lead busy and highly stressful lives. The exercise of BJJ is great for stress release. Jiu-jitsu can release stress in a way that other sports and gym exercise cannot. This is due to the fight or flight aspect of fighting that is not experienced outside of the mats. Exercise also releases endorphins that are the ‘feel good hormone’ which promote positive emotions. Perfect for those days when you’re feeling flat.
Building Confidence:
Women can benefit greatly from the confidence that comes with BJJ. It is a confidence like no other, knowing that you can defend yourself and your family if the situation arises. A fitter and healthier body is also a result experienced from regular training and can assist with self-esteem.
A Positive Support System:
In our busy lives, our support systems are within our family, friends and the people we work with. Jiu-jitsu adds another group of people to that mix and acts as a second family for many people. Choosing BJJ as your form of exercise means you will always have that extra support system. A positive group of people who are as dedicated and motivated as you are.